"We Three"

"We Three"

Sunday, August 07, 2005

It's up again...

That thing about Truth. I was reading my textbook for Critical Thinking, and realizing that other people have pondered this particular question, too. Like, is there a capital T Truth? Or is there just everyone's version of it? And I was thinking, well, yes, there is. You could film it. The camera would be an impartial observer, right? But then, everyone who viewed the film would still filter what they saw through their own experience and agenda, and there we are again, in that murky place known as subjectivism. Sad, but true. My mother and I will never see eye to eye, never. Sigh. Boy, I am really looking forward to this class, where we get to turn everything inside out and blow it up or minimize it, and philosophize about it. I have always wanted to be one of those sagacious persons who sits in the corner cafe and pontificates on the meaning of life. I even have the beret, complete with little pull-tab on top. No more Sterlings, black cigarettes with gold filters, and no more petit sirrah, either, but, hell, espresso works, too. Which reminds me of the time my daughter dressed up as a beatnik for Halloween, all in black and we made her a book cover titled The Wounded Tulip (not original, right out of Auntie Mame), and everyone still thought she was a hippie. Beatniks were much more cerebral than hippies, tres avant-garde and much hipper. OK, so I am all over the place today. Lots to think about here. And not a day to think very much. Back to the seedy mystery novel and my Diet Pepsi. Cool.

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