Well, I decided that she looked a little too smooth, sort of like an illustration you would see in a child's primer, easy to recognize, but not exactly exciting. And I am not sure she is done, but she is more what I had in mind. I want my paintings to reflect my process, my brushstrokes, my color sense, and, yes, my drawing ability. Not that it is such a big thing, being able to draw - it is an inborn talent that I only discovered in the last few years, after not knowing a thing about it for 61 years. That's a long rime for a talent to be hidden. But, there is was, along with the shame of not being able to tell left from right, or getting lost if I go out a different door at Macy's. It's just part of what went into the recipe that became, well, me. I like Sweet Thing much better now, her personality is kind of shining out of the canvas. I brought home some art books to study, (Childe Hassam, John Singer Sargent) and some of their ideas wound up in this painting. Ever the student, that's moi.
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