Once upon a writing class, we had to begin a piece with "there are two kinds of people in the world". I wrote about dog lovers, because I am one and cannot understand others who aren't. What's wrong with hair stuck to every square inch of your life? How hard is it to pick up a little poop, anyway? Well, now I know a better dissimilarity, people who put the TP roll on with the end over the top, and those who put it on with the end under. Now, I am an over-the-top person. I think that way the TP is sort of user-friendly, like it is just sitting there waiting for you to sit down next to it. Hi, it says, I've just been waiting for you to show up. Take as much of me as you want. But when it is coming at me from underneath, it is contrary, like,I'm hiding from you, just try to find the end of me, and when you do, I'm not going to let you have one more square than you need. Niggardly, you see. Okay, I am being a bit weird, anthropomorphizing the TP roll, but hey, it's a hot, slow Saturday, and this has been on my mind for a while. Oh, and the image has nothing to do with what I am talking about, except that I took a really long drive today, and this sort of popped out of my head. Feeling Dadaesque, I guess.
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