What a week! Boo is better. He got there all by himself. Four vets laid hands on him, he had xrays and bloodwork and a consultation with a radiologist. Still don't have a clue what was going on. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I have been carrying my camera around with me all the time, hoping to catch an episode of franken-dog to show to the vet. And now, he's not doing it any more. Sigh. I said nuts, and started a new pastel. If you were wondering where pastels come from, here is a photo of the beginning of something. It started last night, when I dug out a pad of actual pastel paper and did a portrait of my olive oil bottle. Then today, I shopped for really pretty tomatoes and a pepper, and stuck them in the picture along with a kind of crippled garlic clove. I'm thinking that's enough stuff for this one little composition. This paper smears things around more than the previous, toothier paper. Must fix often, to prevent that. Not unhappy about it, though. I will be able to get an edge if I want one, and still remain my loosey-goosey self. I think the bottle is doing a tower of Pisa thing, though. Must get out ruler.
Sixty-something woman shares ruminations as she plys the latter third of her life with the caveat that age entitles her to be absolutely outrageous whenever possible.
"We Three"
Saturday, February 12, 2011
You have to begin somewhere...
What a week! Boo is better. He got there all by himself. Four vets laid hands on him, he had xrays and bloodwork and a consultation with a radiologist. Still don't have a clue what was going on. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I have been carrying my camera around with me all the time, hoping to catch an episode of franken-dog to show to the vet. And now, he's not doing it any more. Sigh. I said nuts, and started a new pastel. If you were wondering where pastels come from, here is a photo of the beginning of something. It started last night, when I dug out a pad of actual pastel paper and did a portrait of my olive oil bottle. Then today, I shopped for really pretty tomatoes and a pepper, and stuck them in the picture along with a kind of crippled garlic clove. I'm thinking that's enough stuff for this one little composition. This paper smears things around more than the previous, toothier paper. Must fix often, to prevent that. Not unhappy about it, though. I will be able to get an edge if I want one, and still remain my loosey-goosey self. I think the bottle is doing a tower of Pisa thing, though. Must get out ruler.
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