When I think of my self, I see this kind of innocence. Makes me want to eschew steaks, and leather. Really, as humans go, I am pretty benign. Nevertheless, I noticed that the cowwoman got UNFRIENDED! This is the new way to express unhappiness. Push the button, and bang, no more Facebook buddyhood. Well, in the end, no one is someone for everyone. Oh, quick, write that down! There will be those, who, on my demise, will cackle and rub their hands together with glee. My third ex-husband, for instance, who would then garner the infinitesimal bit of pension I now live on back into his control. My mother, certainly, although losing me would mean she could no longer be my victim, and might actually have to take some responsibility for her own actions instead of blaming me. But, realistically, I would have to pop off the planet today, as she is 90 years old and on the verge of her last breath every moment now. Really, I just want to be a good person. And I want to be the same person for everyone. Authenticity is my primary goal, as a matter of fact. And because I had the mother from Hell, I want to be kind to everyone. Strangely, I don't think I was unkind. I was just my self. And gee, who else can I be? Everyone else is taken.
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