I am a highly sensitive person. Really. There is a website dedicated to HSPs. I took the quiz. How sweet it is to be validated, and to know that there are millions out there just like me, you know, the ones that cry at the movies. Hell, I cry over commercials on TV. There is such comfort in knowing that I AM NOT ALONE! All my life, people have looked down their very insensitive noses at me and told me I was OVER-REACTING, or, as one ex-husband who shall remain nameless called me, CRAZY. And I would kind of slither back into my hole, ashamed that once more, I was feeling things too deeply. The truly interesting part of this is that, at this juncture in my life, I am less sensitive than I have ever been. I realize that what people do and say around me is NOT ABOUT ME! It is just what they do and say, and they would do it even if I were not in the equation. And their behavior is on them, not me. Gee, if I could somehow influence how people behaved, don't you think I would have them singing and dancing instead of red in the face and pissed off? Duh. So I am happy to own my sentitivity. The ability to feel deeply may give me awful pain once in a while, but it also gives me delight and joy beyond reason. Small price to pay.
me too!!!! All my life my miswestern family said..don't tell Kay..she will cry. I had to be taken out of the movies while waching Bambi because i sobbed so hard at Bambi losing his Mommy.To this day my family hesitates to tell me bad news because I will tear up..but I too have learned that it is good for me to get it out and go on. I cried at Glee last night! I cry while watching the news. It is hopeless so I just get on with it. And I feel for the people around me who are so afraid to show their feelings..a little crying can be a good thing! It is getting in touch with the real person we try so hard to disconnect from. I do admit that my sons, big men that they are, do tend to cry at emotional times..good for them!
That's so funny! ME TOOOOO!!! My family calls me the 'cry baby' It's not that I am overly sensitive I dont think...its cause my empathy quota is larger than most. I work in a special school where most of the children have serious issues and are either in foster care or group homes..I hear their plights and I fall apart! I run over a squirrel that runs under my tire and it RUINS my week! I see a sad movie and I cry cry cry. It's good to have a good cry and I am happy to know I am not the only one :O)
Sometimes I just think that people write and dont really have much to say. Not so here. You definitely have something to say and you say it with style, my man! You sure do have an interesting way of drawing people in, what with your videos and your words. Youve got quite a one-two punch for a blog!
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