The rose in this picture has been gone for a long, long time. Yet, here it is, at the moment of its most beauteous life, immortalized. Well, remembered, at least. This has been a time of passings for the cowwoman. So far this year, six folks in my immediate sphere have left the planet. And I suppose that, as the years pile up in my OUT box, this will be more and more probable. It is good to remember that I have only this day, this glorious Sunday in the little yellow house, with the poopies at my feet, sweet breeze blowing, swallowtail butterfly flitting by. Lots of gratitude welling up inside, for this precious life, and in particular for the sobriety I enjoy. One of my friends died from the disease I work so hard to keep at bay. There was a time I worked with her, on the Steps and the Program. Don't know why I get to have it and she couldn't get it. I just know we all fight invisible battles every day. When I share them with my web of wise women, they evaporate like clouds on a summer day. And they are about as substantial in the sharing, just evanescent ghosts haunting the dark corners of my very inventive little mind. I will hold my lost friends in my heart till the day I die, and, HP willing, even beyond.
Thank you for sharing your "battle" and I admire your courage and fortitude in keeping it under control. I think it is true that everyone has something they struggle with, some "battle" that they fight. I fight clinical depression - every day. So far I'm on the winning side:-)
That is one of my bugaboos, too. Mucho therapy back before the big boom, when sobriety slapped me up the side of my head. Alcohol only fueled that fire, and it is better now, though can rise up at any time. Good to know what is wrong. Can't heal if I can't see the wounds. Bless you.
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