"We Three"

"We Three"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And now for something completely different...

After my last post, on that frabjous day when I was feeling so very fit and hearty, I woke up with vertigo. Now feeling like I am lugging 500 lbs around with me, all tuckered out. Tired blood. Does anyone have any Geritol? I talked with the RN on the AARP health line, and we decided I should see my primary care physician before going back to the gym. You think? I also dragged out the medical encyclopedia, which told me I could have Meuniere's disease, an inner ear thing that is minor but really irritating, and may or may not clear up, and may or may not get better, or worse. Gee, that's encouraging. So, I made an appointment. Mostly I am concerned about anemia, because if that is it, I may have injured myself again. Many moons ago, I had a totally weird thing happen. I split open a muscle in my abdomen and bled out a quart and a half of blood into my belly, coughing. Yeah, coughing. I had pneumonia, it turned out. Rare occurrence. There was no outward sign of bleeding, but, during my five days in the hospital, armies of health professionals came through my room to peer at my navel. Needless to say, I was pretty wiped out for a pretty long time, like six months. They never did transfuse me, something I was later really happy about, since the whole AIDS thing happened shortly thereafter. So, off to the Dr. to check out the CBC, and other bodily fluids. I feel more present today, and that is a good sign. Just want to get back in the saddle at the gym.

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