Seems about right. I have been pretending to be a grown-up all these years, when, in reality, there is this tender little being inside, just begging to not be hurt by the big, bad world we live in. Now, I am pretending I am an artist, off to the artists' reception tonight, wearing my name badge that says Participating Artist. Makes me want to crook my pinkie finger at all those who scoff. Well, scoff away. Think about the courage it takes to hang on a public wall a creation you birthed in your mind's eye, rendered in paint on canvas, stewed over for months, and finally released into this very rude universe. So, I am off for a pedicure, and maybe a trip to the earring store, because none of my current batch seem artistic enough for me now. And here's cudos to all those other kids in big boy/girl panties, who will show up tonight and play pretend with me. It's all about fun and games, anyway.
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