The cowwoman went to the Dr. today for the first time in a long, long, long time. Now, she wasn't worried, not really. Okay, her blood pressure was on the high side, for her, so maybe she was, a little. And she got a clean bill of health. In fact, she is in pretty good shape for an old bird, toned and tanned, toned on the INSIDE, too. Now come the tests, a whole parade of them, including (gulp) a colonoscopy, the ultimate in humilitation. However, the cowwoman had one of those before, and they found not even one lonely little polyp up there, so she is not concerned. Getting a CBC, thyroid and colesterol count, and the dreaded mammogram, too. Oh, well, it's time. And there was only one pesky issue to be addressed, not really a health hazard, just a damned inconvenience, and we are working on it, we are working on it. Relieved and gratified here.
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