First day of drawing in my intermediate class, we 7Bs got cast adrift, to navigate the sea of uncertainty while Jean, delightful teacher, worked with the 7As as they drew their hands blind, well, they could see their hand, but not their drawing. I joined the throng as we toured the room, inspecting each other's work, always a trial for me. I compare myself, you see. Neither of my compatriots in the higher class finished their drawings. I did 3. Okay, two were contour ink drawings, which I executed as slowly as I could, upside down. That was interesting, less investment in the figure, more in the line. And here is my rendering of a Gericault study for The Raft of Medusa, romantic era painting of the survivors of a shipwreck, full of sturm und drang. She isn't letting us use erasers! Notice I blew the right knee several times before deciding where it was supposed to be in space. I really need to sharpen up my skills here. I am assuming things will improve dramatically with this teacher. She is a pistol. To begin the class, we did an exercise in getting to know one another. The first person to the right of the teacher in our circle said her name, the next said her name and his, and so on. I was next to last in the rotation, and managed to remember every name, 31 of them! In case you think that makes me special, later during the quiet drawing time, my drafting table top came crashing down because I had not secured it tightly enough. Aaaaarrrrgh! Mechanical I am not.
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