Let's hear it for self-sabotage! I don't need any enemies, I've got me! Good news was that I cleaned out my refrigerator, an event that usually causes those who know me well to hire a brass band and have a triumphal parade. And, in the spirit of waste-not-want-not, I ate an innocent little Jello pudding cup that had been languishing in the back of the fridge since when dirt was new. Didn't taste bad at all. Didn't cause any trouble for a while, and then, oh. my. god. Digestive upset doesn't begin to describe my anguish, not to mention embarassment. And then, before major eruptions, I went out and ran a red light. To give myself the shadow of the doubt, it was yellow when I crossed into the intersection, but turned red an instant later. Hope that camera is one of the many dummies they have around town, because that tiny moment of inattention could cost me $270. And why worry about it till it happens? In fact, why worry at all? If it does, I will scrape up the $$$ out of my ( if not generous at least adequate) budget. Oh, I will grimace, for sure. But not worry. Nevertheless I am cranky today. No swimming, bowels are unreliable. And no shopping, must save $$$ for possible ticket. And this could be infinitely worse. So, in process of getting over myself. Again.
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