I don't know about you, but I find this life to be rather challenging. Notice I didn't go as far as Scott Peck did, and proclaim it downright difficult. One of the aspects of sobriety and our brand of recovery in AA is about not struggling. If you're struggling, you're not doing it right. So I often stop and just take stock. Where am I in my process today? Well, let's see. I love my new iron, though I burned myself on it on our maiden voyage together. This is because my previous iron never heated up that well, hence, never burned me. My new iron has a retractable cord, and let's face it, isn't that the rub of all irons, that (*^%&@ cord? And my Speedo that I bought myself, without trying it on, on non-refundable sale, fits me. Yay. Well, except for the fat bubble that emerges around my waist, especially on the right hand side. It's not a terribly big bubble, and the idea, after all, is to lose weight, so I expect the fat bubble will get deflated as I plow through the water, day after day. And it is a wondrous thing to do, get into lovely warm water and churn around. How graced am I to be able to do this at my advanced age? And, yay, I got registered for the next semester, then noticed that one of my classes is at the Petaluma campus. Well, I am doing only one class a day, and this class is only available there, so its a good thing. Newness, never a bad thing. Another campus to find my way around. Another group of teachers to schnmooze and cozy up to. Ah, tricky.
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