Some days, I just don't want to get out of bed. Okay, most days. It is my disposition to fall into dread. Nothing will go my way anyway, why even try? And, eventually, I feel sorrier for the beasts I live with than myself, and I rise to fill their various food and water containers, stand by the coffeemaker in bleary-eyed anticipation, and just stay in motion till I am back on track. Or not, I just keep moving. Notice that I make one of these little digital doodles most days. It seems to be my imperative to leave the world with something new every day. Not a bad reason to get out of bed, if I could remember it at that time. Perhaps school starting will end this aimlessness I feel in the morning? Whatever, the Universe just keeps wheeling away in its ponderous way, so I might as well buckle up and enjoy the ride.
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