Somewhere, I am convinced there exists a manual for living a good life, one that is on track, one where the wheels don't ever fall off. I think it would include potholes and speedbumps, and the resultant angst, but would know enough to counsel that getting angry, anxious, worried or just plain nuts is not necessary in those moments. In fact, those are the moments which most need clear-headedness, and willingness to move through the trauma rather than avoiding it with mind-altering substances. There must be people out there who know all about this stuff. Lord knows, there are plenty of books out there for the rest of us, the dazed and bewildered ones who clomp about, often on the toes of others, and get ourselves into all kinds of trouble. Maybe if I'd been issued a copy of this life manual upon my arrival in this terribly rude world, a lot of folks would not have been hurt, including me. I still am not sure how to respond to the slings and arrows life hurls at me most of the time. Luckily for the world, however, I have learned to talk over potential actions with another, less emotional, person, before putting my foot in my mouth, or acting out in front of folks I will later need to apologize to. That's about the best I can do. And I make myself available to do that for others, too. Maybe my manual is in the mail?
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