When I was growing up, back when dirt was new, doctors and lawyers were prohibited from advertising by law. Don't know why that was, it just was. Perhaps it was because people were more conservative, and believed they could take care of their problems in the privacy of their own homes and minds. My, how times have changed! Now everyone from plastic surgeons to podiatrists are on the tube, touting their skills. Erectile dysfunction? Call us! And that lawyer in the cowboy hat, he's my fave. But what is even more shocking is the pharmaceutical industry's pitches, which abound during daytime dramas, aka soaps. Ask your doctor about (fill in the blank). Are we to the point where we prescribe for ourselves? Well, there's always been that element, we called them drug addicts. My parents are on so many different prescriptions it is dizzying. And I am surprised my mother has not yet asked to that new one, the one that grows eyelashes. Yeah, you heard me right. Eyelashes. It is difficult to imagine this as a true health hazard, dearth of eyelashes. But it has been the bane of my mother's eighty eight years that when she was a teen, someone told her that if she lopped off her lashes, they would grow back thick and curly. Instead, they never grew back at all. And somehow, she has survived lo these nine decades with nary a problem. Oh, I am not without compassion here. I know a lot of people suffer genuinely with chemical imbalances, bi-polar disease, depression, etc. and pills are a godsend for them. I just think things have to get pretty awful before I will lay myself at the feet of the drug giants. And I have plenty of eyelashes, so no problem.
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