Of course, like anything, there is an etiquette to lap swimming. You don't get into the same lane with anyone before asking, even though there's no way they can say no. Same goes with passing someone while circling. It's a mother-may-I game all over again. And it is a big nono to get into the pool before the lifeguard says "go". Don't even think of getting in the water, even when the lifeguard is walking toward you, and it is time according to the clock. Big booboo. I always try to arrive early, hopefully before my usual lane buddy, Red, because we both covet the inner lane, the one that isn't against the wall of the pool, where fingers and toes can get bent and bruised if I am not careful. And I like to watch the guys, all lined up there, doing their stretching for God and everyone to see. Some of them look like beachballs on toothpicks in their tiny little Speedos, and they still preen like peacocks. The gals are more circumspect. And they come in everything from sample size to giant-economy packages. That is the glory of swimming; it lets everyone slip the surly bonds of gravity, and you can do it even if your BMI is above 30. When a third (or, lord forbid, fourth) swimmer joins us, we circle. It always makes me pretty nuts. I swim in the slow lane, but am really more of a medium kind of swimmer, so finding my niche in the circle is always a challenge. There are times I turn around mid-lap to keep from running over a fellow swimmer. At least I know how to circle now, up the right, down the left. No, wait. Is is up the left and down the right? Oh, hell, I just wait for someone to kick off, and follow. Haven't gone wrong, yet. And let me tell you, the gym didn't produce the results I have gotten as fast as swimming has. I am tighter and longer and slimmer. Today I hooked my bra on the innermost fastening, even though I haven't lost a pound in a couple of weeks. I think that is because I have gained muscle, and it is heavier than flab. Because I seem to have shrunk, again. Whatever, I feel great. And it doesn't get any better than that.
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