It's a cruel, cruel world. People lie, they cheat, they steal, they even kill one another. I turn on the TV every morning, for company more than entertainment at that hour, and whatever channel I left it on always has death and mayhem on it, at 8 AM! So, not only do we do it, we love to watch others doing it, even if they are not really doing it. Thank HP I don't live in that world. My world exists between my ears. I select what I let in, and what I let out. No newspapers for the cow-waving woman. Too much bad news. I check our monthly Bohemian, freebee tabloid, for upcoming events, and do a quick flyby of the NY Times headlines to see which celebrity died that day. Sound bites on the radio alert me to possible snags in traffic. That's enough. My job everyday is to go out into that cruel world, and know that what goes on out there is NOT ABOUT ME. None of it. Even when it looks like it is about me, it isn't, because people do what they do, even when I am not part of the equation. And sometimes, I insert myself there, and voila! I am a victim! For a few moments, or hours, as the case may be, until I wake up and realize, oh, its still NOT ABOUT ME! So, go ahead, rain on my parade. It's always sunny in my little world, inside my comfortable little box of self.
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