Our class went to the mall today, to view the exhibit by local watercolorists and do a study based on one of the paintings, the one that spoke to us. Me being me, I finished mine. Practically no one else did. In fact, I left a little early (well, I arrived early, too). This was a marvelous painting by Mara Farnsworth called "Golden Leaves. Hers is much better than mine. I simplified, and in the end, just plain made things up. And her background was spectacular, but I don't know how to do that yet. In fact, I don't know how I did this painting, I just did it. I am not unhappy with it, actually, it has a certain charm, for a quick study. Okay, to be honest, all my paintings are done pretty quickly, loosely, slap, slap, slap. That's the charm of them. I hope.
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