...except this amazing event down at historic Railroad Square, the 2nd Annual Handcar Regatta, featuring all these people-propelled Steampunked vehicles racing on the (now defunct) railroad tracks, with a couple million folks in outlandish costumes, some on stilts, mulling about, the Hubbub Club band prancing about, and fun exuding from every pore of the attendees. Steampunk appears to be about making new old again by doodadding it up in old-fashioned baubledom. I saw folks in billowing petticoats, a lot in bloomers, some dandy merry widow bustiers, lots of vests and top hats, and pith helmets, and flight helmets with goggles. The crew of one vehicle were dudded out as the Oompaloopas from the first Willie Wonka film, in short overalls and green wigs. There were these amazing welded sculptures all over the place, too, as well as our usual Charles Schultz statuettes. Bad news that I missed this completely last year. Good news that it is only the 2nd one, and I didn't inadvertantly miss the last 20 events. Definitely on my list of things to remember next year, and bring lots of water and more comfortable shoes, and a few friends to share it all with. Very joyous, indeed.
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