"We Three"

"We Three"

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Worry, worry, worry...

A funny thing happened while I was changing my password at ATT.com, after, once again, forgetting my old one.  Big warning came up - password too weak.  Gee, does that mean someone could hack into my account and pay my bill for me?  One less thing to worry about.  Many other things to take its place, of course.  Like, when will spring really arrive?  Will the laundry ever get done?  Why does the vet need my birthdate for Punkin's meds?  Will I be able to find my way through the Oakland maze of freeways to get to my daughter's house?  Who do I call to enroll in Christian Quinlin's drawing class since the one I did enroll in is cancelled?  Will they give me back my $100 without a hassle?  And then there is this painting.  A friend brought me the reference photo.  Easy-peasy, I thought.  I guess there is no way to make a mature bear cute.  And would I really want to do that?  Contrary to my usual method of painting, which is slap, slap, slap, done, this one took an extraordinary amount of time, and a couple of sessions, too.  I am not displeased, and the longer I look, the better it seems.  Stephen King says to throw your work on the floor and walk on it for a while to keep it from becoming too precious.  Maybe the table would be a better place for the bear.

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