"We Three"

"We Three"

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Please, no applause...

I got up early today and got butt to morning meeting, very spiritual and inspirational, and on my way home I crossed the last of the I-can't-sleep-until-I-get-this-done list.  I got the car serviced, only 1300 miles over its scheduled oil change.  It is now officially geriatric, having racked up over 100,000 miles (in 12 years), and I knew this was going to be more than the usual $45.00 super-duper oil change, and yes, it cost me $132, which was actually less than I had feared.  Yay, me!  Yay, Ford Focus!  Other recent accomplishments were paying the sales tax, always a mysterious process because I include it in the price of my work and must back it out again and I never know the current rate and can never remember all the digits I need to get into my account online.  Sigh.  I got that done and then wrote the last check for my upcoming trip to Italy, Greece, and Turkey.  Yay, me!  Then I got to the vet to get the super-duper extra-strength mega-expensive flea medication for the pooches.  Yay, me!  I got Punk to the groomer and he is all spiffed up and much less likely to get burs caught in his beard.  Yay, me!  So, I thought, after all these wondrous accomplishments, it might be a good day to walk to the art supply store, a mere mile away, and get some more canvasses for the opus I am creating for a show I am having in September in (gulp) a gallery.  Except that I am still here, noodling around Facebook or playing Forty Thieves Solitaire.  Well, decompression isn't a bad thing either.  Oh, and here is Cat One, probably a new series.  Wabisabi cat.  Yay, me!


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