Oh, I am so very smart. I wasn't feeling 100% yesterday, and I have a commitment on Saturday morning to fulfill, so, just in case I felt worse in the morning, I arranged to have a couple of friends fill in for me. And, feeling very smug that I remembered, I set my clocks back an hour. I figured I would be ahead of the curve. Except that I was a day early in that regard, and didn't call my people to help, thinking it was too early. HP took care of me. One of them called ME! And it all got done, a little late, but still in time for the rest of the folks to have their coffee and rolls and fresh fruit at their very spiritual Saturday morning meeting. I am humbled beyond belief. And, if I had gotten up on time, I might have been tempted to go do it all myself, because it appears that all I have is a little head cold. However, we are all so paranoid this flu season, more better I keep my butt indoors, with aspirin, fluids, and mega-doses of vitamin C. I feel that I have some immunity to that dreaded pig thing anyway. About 36 years ago, my whole family got together and played games on New Year's Eve. The next day, we were all desperately ill, with the London flu, which blindsided the whole nation. I got pneumonia, too, and was down for a month. My brother got scarlet fever. I would bet this is the same strain, and the reason that only young folks are dying from it, because it hasn't been around in their lifetime, and they have no defense. This little cold may keep me from getting to my drawing homework, which was to visit a pumpkin patch and do some quick pen and ink sketches of the kids and the veggies. I had actually planned on cheating, anyway, and getting photos online. Venal me. Now, I have an excuse, and can be, as I usually am, honest. It's a better deal, I think.