When I was a baby, there was a big war waging, and Mommy didn't have those disposable diapers or even plastic pants. Instead, I wore soakers, thick padded pants over the cloth diaper. After I was potty trained, which my mother tells me was around six months of age, we wore little nylon panties, briefs, they called them. These monstrosities are still around today, panties that begin at the top of the thigh and extend to the belly button, great big Briget Jones underpants. Sometime later, after I was out of school, we found out that nylon didn't let our nether parts breathe well enough, so briefs came out in cotton, ever so much more comfortable and healthy, but still not very pretty. They were like Jockey shorts for girls. Well, sometime in my thirties I gravitated to bikini panties, still in cotton, but in pretty prints like pink polka dots or blue daisies. Then high top panties came along, still cut up above the thigh on the sides but not as low on the belly as bikinis. I was 50 before I wore a thong, and have to admit, I had spent decades trying to keep my panties from creeping up there, and found that thing really uncomfortable. Not my style at all. And I balk at the new style of boyish panties, sitting about the same latitude as bikinis but below even the traditional brief in the leg. They just look really unweildy. So I will stick to my healthy cotton ItseBitsy bikinis, thank you. So much more feminine and comfy than my mother's tap pants, which were like boxer shorts for girls, and my grandmother's bloomers, just short of pantaloons, that bunched up under all those petticoats. Let's face it. These things are IMPORTANT. Just knowing my underwear is au courant gives me a lift. Yeah.
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