We had a guest artist in class yesterday. Her vision has her painting little ticky tacky houses climbing up rainbow hills, with lollipop trees in the mix. Very colorful and actually quite delightful. So the teacher thought it would be good for we novices to work on piles of things, receding into space. I brought in pictures of produce from my favorite store, Andy's Produce out on Hwy. 116, which I visit only rarely now that I am not a west county person any more. Andy's sells locally grown, organic, seasonal veggies and fruits, plus a variety of yummy stuff made in the area; cheeses, salsas, vinegars, and hummus. I bought some of the latter and ate it with the tomatoes I got there. So, I whipped out my camera and immediately got told that was a big nono. But, I protested, it's for my art class! Sweet guy turned his head and didn't watch me photograph the piles of pears in their baskets and the pumpkins lined up on bales of hay. Of course, the rest of the class did the houses thing. I didn't. Now, I would never select this subject by myself, and I am grateful for the suggestion, but not sure this is my mileiu. Had fun doing it, and kind of like it, not as messy as some watercolors I have done. Working on the pumpkins next. Lots of orange. Lots.
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