There is more to going to the gym than meets the eye. Besides anxiety about the weenie workout machines, and the co-ed hot tub/sauna/steamroom, there is the locker room, and its particular pitfalls. I once had a friend so modest she could not undress in a locker room at all. I am not like that. While I don't think I need to contort myself to keep my towel around me every instant as I change into gym clothes, neither do I need to strut around in all my glory either, like this lovely young Asian woman did today. She stood in front of the mirror over the sink, drying her hair, in just her flipflops. Admittedly, she had a lovely body (you think I don't check this out?), I thought that was pushing things a little. I am used to the pool, where a lot of the women are older than I (very, very old), and some had disabilities as well. And no one felt they needed to hide themselves, so I didn't either. I did notice one woman came and left in her workout clothes and solved the problem by not showering or changing. I like to swim after working out, so that doesn't work for me. And a shower is de riguer after, to rinse the chlorine out of my hair and off my skin. And that is the best place to skin off my Speedo, under the hot water. So I just wrap my big towel around me and head for my locker, where I dry myself off completely, without modesty, even the secret places. We are all women there, after all. We bear the wounds of life: flaccid bellies that birthed children, surgical scars, folds that weren't there until recently, breasts that are succumbing to the pull of gravity. It is what it is.
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