The cowwoman is off to the Digestive Health Specialist of Northern California, to have pictures taken of her insides. Now, my digestive tract is not often on my mind, but last night, as I prepared for this test, it was the whole world to me. I drank a gallon of liquid in about 2 hours. I thought I was going to explode. I didn't. That was good. What did happen is unmentionable here. Now I am waiting for my ride, because I get to do this sleeping.
Now home from procedure, which was a snap compared to the prep. They snuggled me in with a blood pressure cuff on one arm, an IV in the other, and a warm blanket on top of me. They recommended warm socks, so I took my World's Softest to keep my tootsies warm. I had to wait a while, getting rehydrated (that gallon of goo actually dehydrated me!), then into the procedure room, where the doctor was about 11 years old, and very sweet. The next thing I knew, they were shaking me awake. One polyp, just one little guy in there, got removed. I got pictures of him before he met his demise. And, surprise, I have herorrhoids, like I didn't know that already. That was the dividend of commuting for 3 1/2 years, 2 hours a day. A friend drove me home, and stayed for a while to be sure I was not going to expire or anything. I slept. Now, up and at 'em, except I cannot drive, so I guess I'll draw and paint. Homework. Thank HP this is over. It is very unpleasant, but so are most things medical. Oh, and I had my first meal, peach pancakes. I deserved them. I've been a very good girl today.
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