"We Three"

"We Three"

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wednesday musings, historically speaking...

Just watched a video on YouTube, a site I would never have found by my lonesome, but one my more savvy friends are addicted to, on the incredible advances in our technology, which are expanding exponentially even as we speak. Yet, the Wright brothers first flight was less than 100 years ago. Women in this country have had the right to vote for only 87 years. And we still labor with intolerance and discrimination against persons of color, persons of different sexual orientations, and yes, persons of the female persuasion across the board. Soon, we will have a computer that exceeds the calculating capacity of the human brain. Do you think it will then turn its wrath on all machines perceived to be inferior to it? Just wondering here. How far have we come, really? Not very far at all, indeed.

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