"We Three"

"We Three"

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Au revoir, my Boo, my heart...

Sweet Boo went to his eternal rest yesterday. He had been fine all week, slower of course, he was getting on, then suddenly had labored breathing. We went to the emergency vet, expecting to come home just fine, but he was in heart failure with fluid in his lungs, and they were unable to arrest it, so we put him down. It was gentle, peaceful and precious, actually. He never suffered, not for a moment. Nothing has hit me as hard as losing this dog. He was my constapanion for 13 years, always there. A huge hole has opened inside me. I cry, then I am all right for a while, busy doing my life, and then, there it is again, the ache. It hurts more to try and control the process. It will just be what it is, I suppose. And I will miss him all the days of my life till we meet again. I now know intimately what it means to be heartbroken.

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