"We Three"

"We Three"

Monday, August 29, 2011

Grace, just send me a little grace...

Swans are grace in the medicine wheel, and I always feel heartened when they show up, so I made one, just in case I don't pull one, and I didn't. I pulled mountain lion, which is actually one of my totems, leadership. Explains my proclivity of running for student body offices when I was in school. That, and wanting to look good, without actually being good. Didn't work very well. Another day, a little less sadness, a little less heaviness. Had a good cry last night, when I was sitting here and I thought I felt Boo under the desk, where he always was when I was there. Missed him just something awful in that moment. Today, I just piddled away at stuff, two paintings came out of it, and some time loving up the Pickle, and some time playing the piano(!), which I seem to have been avoiding. Now watching Eureka marathon on SciFi and looking forward to a new episode tonight, along with Warehouse 13 and Rizzoli and Isles. Okay, I am a cheap date. That is the secret to happiness in my book. Oh, and finishing up that potboiler novel and starting another, with probably even less literary value. What can I say? It's who I am.

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