"We Three"

"We Three"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to the birds...

Currently, I am taking an antibiotic for a little infection, one that plagues me off and on, and it has made me more nuts than usual. Tender, sensitive little soul that I am, I am easily thrown off balance, physically and emotionally. Sigh. So I reached for my remedy to everything, my pastels and my reference photos and voila! About an hour and a half of noodling around, a lot of it with a QTip, because I wanted all the little valleys of the paper to be covered with pigment, and that takes a hell of a lot of patience to accomplish. I am rather happy, so far. Of course, I will put it aside for a while, walk by it every so often, and undoubtedly will pick up a stick and go at it again. And I will always have this reference photo to return it to if I screw it up. Don't think there is much more to do, though. Maybe I will start something new, and have two new paintings to mark this date in time? One never knows. I just know that my mood is ever so much better when I have unleashed my creativity for a while. Can't quite gripe as much. It's a good thing.

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