I realize I have been dancing with my shadow side for a couple of days, so decided to get audacious again with the daily design. I don't know where I get this depressive streak, but it has definitely been with me the last few daze, making it a trial to get out of bed. I yelled at Pickle a couple of times this morning because she wanted me to wake up, and I didn't. Well, not every day can be a big surprise package, you know. And now that I think of it, why couldn't that be so? I think I will make that decision, put a big bow around the next 24 hours, and see what HP has in store for me. All I have planned it a trip to the noon meeting, al fresco, sans dogs, they are too much of a distraction, though I love showing them off, no ego here! Well, it's 11:20 AM, time to get out of the PJs and into my couture du jour, head out into that big rude world outside my little yellow house, make some joy. And so it is.