Wouldn't it be great if we could go back in time, do things we screwed up better, erase some of the damage? Yeah, well, not happening any time soon. I have been doing a lot of ruminating on the wreckage of my past as I ready myself for more amends. I am happy to say that the latest debacles have been more of the sin of omission kind rather than sins of commission. Nice things I didn't say, good deeds I didn't do, things like that. And then there's the good old hidden agenda stuff, like I'm really not using you, no sirree. Except, I am. Even if it looks like you're getting a good deal, too. Sigh. And I have not been as manipulative as I used to be. Well, I used to be cuter, too, and that made tweaking others, men in particular, easier than it would be now, for sure. I can't even get the dogs to stop barking, like at this very moment. Sigh. So, I go forth to bless and to prosper, I hope. If I hurt you, I'm sorry. Believe me, I am doing the best I can under these very human circumstances. I can only pray to become better. One day at a time.
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