Once upon a time, I was an ectomorph. Or thought I was, you know, a twiggy Audrey Hepburnish girl. And then I hit puberty, and my meaty German heritage asserted itself, and voila! Endomorphville. My body is set at about 150 lbs. Going above or below makes it cranky. Yet, I keep trying to just nudge it in the direction of 130 lbs, where I am still well fleshed but much less upholstered. I like feeling light. It is a bouncy, I-might-just-fly-away feeling. I have known this feeling only fleetingly over my 7 decades of life, and am aiming in that direction once more. I get that this is my vehicle, my spacesuit, my abode, this body. I wash and maintenance my car better than I treat my body. And that is changing. Oh, and I still have to wash the car today. Yes, after the long walk over to the art supply store, where they are having a mega SALE. That is pretty much my favorite word in the Universe!
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