Today, I went to a free oil painting demo at our local art supply store, Sennelier pigments, the very same as those mixed for Cezanne. They still have a store in Paris, across the Boulevard from the Louvre, where they still sport long white coats, since the original shopkeepers were chemists. And the same family owns it even now. Well, I learned a lot, really. And I am now ready to try out some of her techniques, after all, she teaches at the Academy of Arts in San Francisco, and that's hot. Fascinating to watch her make vertical strokes for reflections in water, then stripe the water itself over. It made a very peaceful and easily recognized pattern. I also have my sewing machine out in hopes that I will get interested in some Eileen Fischer patterns, and a pile of books I want to read, and my piano books are spread out all over, and there are some CDs I want to put into my ITunes, and the lawn needs mowing, again. Life. You're not done till you're done breathing. Meanwhile, I'm going to the movies. It's hot here. Movies are air conditioned.
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