Third time I have modified this little masterpiece, my Just Because painting of sunflowers. It was washed out and kind of gray originally, then delicate pale blue, which was sweet, just not very dynamic. So, I thought, why not red? After all, paintings are not photographs, they don't have to be reality-based (well, photos don't either, I have learned from Photoshop). And this is probably a taboo in a lot of books, so I did it, with a lot of elan, lots of dabdab, slapslap energy. When in doubt, tuck tongue between teeth, dip brush and just GO. It took a while, and the idea simmered in the frontal cortex for a long time. What the hell, I can always paint over the whole mess and begin again. Xrays of the great masters shows they did that, a lot. So do I. So there.
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