Yesterday, a friend an I hiked the cliff trail between Goat Rock Park and Shell Beach, parked our butts on the cliff and had a picnic. As you can see, it was one of those pristine days at our coast. There were wildflowers, a carpet of them, in every hue. There were pelicans. The sea was as calm as a lake, until the wind came up later in the afternoon. It almost always does that, the wind from the sea. I remembered the food, the binoculars, the camera. Just forgot my glasses, so I couldn't review any of my shots, just had to trust I framed them properly and that they would be in focus. Some were not, but that didn't seem to matter. It was just so spectacularly lovely, I couldn't possibly do anything wrong. And Photoshop was waiting at home, for adjustments, as necessary. Or not.
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