That's the second part of the Serenity Prayer, after accepting the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference. It is deceptive to think that there is more than one thing that I can affect, like there is only one me. But I suppose you could stretch that to be my thoughts, my words, my actions, and, especially, my attitudes. There's the rub. I have an old and stubborn belief that my attitudes are caused by external forces, namely, other people (or, in Pickle's case, other mammals). What can I do about that? And the answer is always, think again. Start over, make a different decision. If caught soon enough, I can shift gears and decide not to be all pissy and moany, and get over it. If not, I am stuck with my mess of my own making until it has thoroughly thrashed me. No problem. I keep boxes of Kleenexes all over the house, courtesy of Costco. And, in the end, it is all good, as it teaches me, yet again, that, whatever crap is laid at my feet, I really can decide not to step in it, or roll around in it, as the case may be.
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