Round and round she goes! I have now tipped over into senior citizenhood, officially. I have been in pseudo-senior status for 10 years, beginning with senior discounts at the Rio Theater ($5, but no previews), then 3 years ago here in town at the local cineplexes, and now, the bigtime, the CITY, no less. And Medicare! Yay! Unfortunately, or fortunately, however you want to view it, I am abyssmally healthy, so will not be needing any drastic healthcare here. Don't even have brittle bones, mine are as dense as a 35 year old, making them 30 years younger than I! How swell is that! And, I love knowing everything I know from living through these years. I saw JFK in person, riding in an open convertible down Kalakaua Avenue in Waikiki. I saw Neil Armstrong walk on the moon, live. I was at Hickam Air Force Base when the Apollo 13 astronauts were brought in. I remember the day Nixon resigned. Hopefully, all this has brought me some wisdom. After all, that is the only by-product of being long-lived that is worth having. The others, like wrinkles, gray hair, aches that weren't there yesterday, stiffness after a session at the computer like this one, well, those are to be expected, but not savored. Wisdom, that's the ticket. And a good facial.
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