It kind of feels like the day after everything, that "is this all there is" funk. So I am flitting around the little yellow house as if I were a newborn butterfly, acting my way out of it. Not working, yet. Nevertheless, I did my morning dose of superduper cellular cleanse. Cells must be pretty dirty after 65 years. Oh, actually, oldest cells are just 7 years old, n'est-ce pas? Well, whatever, they are all slick and refreshed. Then I watched a 1981 interview of Jonathan Miller by that terribly cerebral Dick Cavett, about Mesmerism and modern medicine and general intellectual repartee, which set the old brain humming. I agree, advances in health are due more to nutrition, proper drainage, and a cleaner environment. And violence is due to the anonymity of the population in general and the ability of the cities to successfully cloak the perpetrators. How depressing is that? And that leads to another thought: AA is successful because of the community it creates, a place to be seen and noticed and validated. So many addicts isolate, and they did so before they were active in their addiction. Certainly that is my modus operandi. It is an effort to go out into the world a lot of the time. I love my tiny world here. There, I have unburdened myself of my innermost secrets, and can now take my tender little self into the day.
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