Okay, I know that happiness is an inside job, and to be truly happy, I need to keep it there, and not give it to another human being, or to an object. That being said, I will admit that I derive a great deal of happiness from my things, temporary as they are. My favorite thing is my car. It is small, not very fancy, economical, and shines very nicely after the Zen car wash. If I keep it serviced (and I do because I know intimately what happens if I don't), it just starts right up and takes me wherever I want to go. How wonderful is that. And I don't take that for granted, because they get old and crotchety, cars do. But, then, there are new cars! Nothing is as wonderful as a new car. Until I get my humility dent, that is, that one little imperfection that reminds me nothing is perfect. And my next favorite thing is this here computer. Just spent a bundle getting her all up to snuff, more RAM, less adware and annoying pop-ups. And she is not a youngun, my big Bertha Dell baby. I've had her about 8 years. And I'm not getting a new one until Vista walks west till its hat floats. I love my Windows XP Professional. Every morning I fire her up and read my Thought for the Day, my Beliefnet advice, my NY Times headlines, and whatever my friends have dug up to send me from YouTube. And I go to my Facebook homepage and cyberlurk in all my friends' lives, my kids, too. And then I play a game or two, just to decompress after my second cup of Sumatra, and get the gray cells perking. This all happens before making the bed or feeding the critters. I know what is important. So, things may not be the fount of all wonder, but they sure do make my life full of it. And, hell, Ford or Dell will give me a new one, no $$$ down!
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