Because I value my sobriety, and know that it is only on temporary loan to me, contingent on maintaining my program of recovery, I engage a lot in the third leg of our triangle in the circle, service. I remember hearing Ram Dass talk about loving service before I got sober, and wondering why anyone in their right mind, other than demigods who walk on water, like Ram himself, would want to interrupt their busy life for something so time consuming and unrewarding. Well, Sister Theresa I was not. And have not become, really. But I heard Ram later, like when I was six months along this interesting path that circumstance spread out before me, and I knew just what he was saying. The best action is one taken in selflessness. And selfishness. It's one of those paradoxes, you know. I became coffeemaker at my little home group meeting. It meant getting going early, doing my shopping to replenish supplies, opening the building, making coffee, and spreading out the panoply of goodies I had chosen for that week (biscotti and fruit, muffins and fruit, cookies and fruit, variety of herbal teas, etc.) . It was strange, but I really didn't think of the impact this had on anyone else. I just thought it a delight to be of service, quietly, unobserved. I felt like I belonged with these people, because I was giving something back for all the wisdom and support they gave. It changed me, forever. So I raised my hand and became sweet person for another meeting last week (it is too big for coffeemaker to do both jobs, I guess), and I am off to Costco momentarily for sweet rolls or muffins or bagels or little cakes and fruit, not to mention paper plates and napkins for my spread tomorrow morning. And I am really excited about this, really I am. What a joy to be useful! Oh, and hope you like the lilies. I love them.
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