Hard to believe it has been a whole year since Pickle was airmailed to me from Missouri. She grew up to be a beautiful little girl indeed. I especially love her fluffy butt. She is not very demure, though. Mostly, she thinks she is the guardian of the little yellow house, barking at every little insinuation of another being on her very perceptive radar. However, when friends come to visit, she morphs into the reception committee of one, all wriggly and delighted. She is smarter than her older brother in lots of ways, but still defers to him, and that's smart, because he is easily pissed off by her very presence. And then he relents, and they play, chasing each other around our house in sweet abandon. I forget she is here, then she comes up to me, puts her front paws on my leg, and looks up at me with an expression of pure love. And there are times when she is just infuriating, like when I want to take her in the car, and she doesn't want to go, and I have to chase her all over the backyard. Actually, she always gives up and gives in. Otherwise, we'd never go anywhere! She was a good decision. She has brought a new level of energy and a whole bunch of love into Boo's and my lives. Best $600 I ever spent. And, anyone who says you can't buy love, never bought a puppy.
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