"We Three"

"We Three"

Saturday, May 28, 2011

And another thing...

Happy to report that, after three days taking the teensy dose of hormone, thyroid is purring happily. I hedged my bets a little and took myself off to the movies to see Bridesmaids, mostly because the Tomatometer at RottenTomatoes.com gave it a whopping 89% and those strange folks on Roger Ebert's show both did a thumbs-up, too. I felt the need to laugh, and this film did not disappoint. It had some really crude moments, but somehow missed the tone of an Adam Sandler epic, where everything and everyone is just plain stupid. Some of the humor was physical, but most was in the snappy script, and the faces of these obscure and totally luminous actors in the cast. It is a rare moment when I feel good about a movie not playing at the Smart People's Movie Theater, but I was thrilled to join the throngs of the great unwashed humanity at the local multiplex. And there's another one coming on this one's heels, Bad Teacher, that looked like it could promise a few chuckles, as well. So, huge and ugly Roxy 14, I will return.

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