"We Three"

"We Three"

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Edgy and disaffected me...

It's Sunday, again. Least favorite day of the week. At least I got to sleep in late. Got up really early Friday for a happy day swimming in a jury pool at Superior Court Section 3. Lots of other really unhappy people there. Honestly, the defendant seemed happier to be there than any of us. District Attorney was a Michael J. Fox clone, just stretched out a bit. I will probably not get empaneled, but have to be back at 9:30 AM tomorrow to find that out. So I guess I just got all flummoxed and did this somewhat stylized little bird picture. Honestly, these guys wouldn't look real if they were sitting on my porch railing. And I guess they are, because there they were in my big bird book. I took several photos of this one before conceding it just stank. Then I went back in with lots of dark pigments, and it felt a little better. Now, it is at its best yet, but probably not done. Whatever, it is going into the pile for a bit before I look at it again. Me, I'm off to Barnes and Noble for a look-see, then to my 2 PM meeting, civilized hour, that.

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