"We Three"

"We Three"

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

California, here I come...

A few years ago, my significant other's parents visited us from New Hampshire. They were nervous as cats in a room full of rocking chairs the whole time they were here because of earthquakes. Gee. Every year, the east coast gets pounded by mega-storms, so big and numerous, they have to name them, alphabetically. We just kind of shook our heads, and let them tremble, while trying to keep their Chesapeake water spaniel from perpetually cleaning off the top of the coffee table with his tail. Despite what the world sees in the "happy cows" commercials, earthquakes are pretty rare for most of us. And pretty mild, too. There have been two in my lifetime that were strong enough to do major damage, so that's one every 30 years. And the death toll in Louisiana and Mississippi already exceeds the number killed in both those quakes. The world is a dangerous place. Things can change on a dime. Good reason to be really grateful today, and send a prayer to those souls on the Gulf Coast, that this will be the only storm to roar through, this year.

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