So, I did well on my test, with a score of 95 out of 98, and if I had not second-guessed myself, it could have been 97. There's a good something to learn right there. Some of this stuff will stay with me all the rest of my life, because I still remember some things from the first time I took this class, in 1963. We had this charismatic professor, Dr. Alvin Hunter, and they held all his classes in the auditorium because so many students were attracted to them. I remember this as being a lot easier than it is now, because psychology is a very young science and has now come into its own, no longer considered "soft", and it is all jazzed up with a lot of information about the biological foundations of behavior, and tons of experiments and observations have been made in the interim, as well. What stuck with me were the body types: ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs. I haven't run across them in our current text, but when I do, I'm on top of it!
Then, after patting myself on the back about my ability to recall all the minituae of the nervous system, parts of the brain, genetics, I ran off to my 5:30 meeting, and not only left the back door open, again, but the freezer door, as well. Not my finest moment, by far. Well, the refrigerator is a little balky about closing, and I forget that because it doesn't happen all that often. But that back door thing, that's a recurring problem. So I got out my trusty Printmaster disk and made myself a sign for the front door. Let us hope that works. I also know that things I see every day tend to slip off of my radar, as well. Hopefully, by the time that happens, checking the back door will be ingrained in my memory banks. Progress, not perfection.
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