"We Three"

"We Three"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

As usual, I didn't get that memo...

I am of the opinion that when God was handing out the manual, I was hiding behind the door. And it continues to be my challenge to stay up with what is happening for the rest of the world, or class, as the case may be. Today, I thought we were supposed to bring pictures to compose compositions for possible watercolors. But, actually, we were supposed to do washes of watercolors over the pictures, too, and I didn't bring any to class, so I just got drawings, three of them, because I work very fast and get easily bored. I was particularly pleased with this rendering of the Pickle. She has always been a really fine subject, easy to render in any medium, with those enormous eyes and all that blonde hair. Boo, on the other hand, is very difficult to capture, and this is the most satisfying rendering I have ever done. Sometimes, it is just so EASY. And other days, forget-about-it. I just know that time spent with a pencil or a pastel or a brush in hand is precious time indeed.

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