"We Three"

"We Three"

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Holy cow!

Once upon a time, 42 years ago, I got the only A on the English 1A final, a written test on material I didn't read. It was not good enough to get an A in the course as I had kind of been more interested in other things, like drinking and smoking and messing around with boys. Well, today, I made up for that. My score on the final was 97 out of 100, for a cumulative total of 572, and a score of 496 was an A for the course. The old gal still has it! Or, actually, finally got it. Hard work beats sweaty, last-minute guesswork every time. I noticed a few of my fellow students sweating away today. And some barely squeaked by with a B. So the test drive was an overwhelming success. Now to bone up on (gulp) math for the placement test. This is tons of fun, and beats working by a mile. Grace.

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