"We Three"

"We Three"

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Knowledge is a dangerous thing...

And ignorance is even worse. I read in my psych textbook that one researcher found that we have two types of knowledge; fluid, which is our sort of human RAM, that which we use to learn and assimilate new information, and crystallized, the accumulated information of our lifetime. Well, there's good news and there's bad news; the crystallized kind just keeps growing as long as we are alive, and the fluid kind drops off dramatically the older we get. It appears that some of us get older faster, like our elected officials. A ticket to Washington seems to automatically lower their IQ, and send their testosterone levels soaring, too. Power is something that is apparently intoxicating and titillating at the same time. I don't like politics, try to stay away from any opinions at all, and yet, does anyone else think our president has peaked out on his fluidity? Is it just me, or does he look a lot like Alfred E. Neuman of Mad Magazine fame? Since when do our leaders just stamp their foot and give us this I-am-not-wrong-ever crap? It is scary, folks. And even scarier that there are still a lot of people who are buying it. Fortunately, there is Air America. And Bernie Ward. And Bill Maher.

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